Know the types of store site design!

Usually, store website design is classified according to two factors, the type of goods and the nature of the transaction parties. All store websites operate in the field of sales. But this sale can have different types, which we will discuss further. Before designing the site, determine what field your online store website is going […]
Fix fatal mistakes in website design

In this article, we are going to discuss and investigate why improper website design causes more spending and you must know the principles of web design before starting; Then start designing the site. It’s good to know that your website visitors judge your brand in just a few seconds. Some studies have shown that it […]
Mobile application design and its importance in business

Today, mobile application design has become very important for the expansion of businesses compared to the past, and most businesses use it to improve and prosper their activities. In fact, in a world where different applications are designed, every business must have an application to keep up with the digital world. It is even predicted […]
What is meant by local SEO or local SEO?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which means site optimization for better search engine access. When you search for a specific topic in search engines like Google, you have definitely noticed that some websites are ranked higher. In fact, these pages have good SEO and are seen in a better position in the search results […]
The importance of content creation in website design

Before you start designing the site, it is necessary to prioritize the creation of the site’s content and focus on it. Although web design is very important and you should consider user experience, paying attention to high-quality and unique content is something that has been paid less attention to. You can attract a large audience […]
Influential factors in store site design

There are many factors that influence the design of a store website and make it successful in business. Today, most businesses have left the traditional space and are entering the digital space, which requires the use of different tools. A store website is one such tool that helps you to launch your business successfully. You […]
What is professional SEO? What actions should be taken?

Certainly, choosing a company that provides professional SEO to you dear ones is a wonderful option for website owners. The Agha Web Team has come to solve your problems by providing professional SEO services and in this way helps website owners to get a very good ranking in search engines. This will increase your website […]